Shock of the claws against the rock ! Foam of the chops, mad eye. Race under the ghostly moonlight ! How many deaths tonight ? Bear runs, pack holden strong in jaws, the three wolves on his traces, eagle in the sky. Barely born, the twins have enemies, but also protectors. Saneday, Saneday ! Magic Of Ledoras runs in the clearing, the wolves don't stand a chance. Destiny is building up... Saneday... The bear knocks one out, kills the other two, but the first is back up, and lurks around the twins... The blood was shed, drapes were covered ; the children smile with reddened hands… Destiny is building up...
Дата: 5 июля 2015, Просмотров: 1369
Adrana - Saneday
Видеоклип «Adrana - Saneday»
* Текст песни написан собственноручно и предназначен для ознакомления.
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