Fancy cars and diamond rings, I seen all kinds of shiny things, I should be feelin' like a king, But lord I don't. Great big towns, so full of users. Make a million, still a loser. Some may bet on you to win, Most hope you won't. Livin' wild, ain't no mercy being free, When it brings you to your knees. Can't keep lying. I've seen the road now, I know just what I need, To find my way back to Tennessee. I'm going home now, To Southern, is so sweet, And find my way back to Tennessee I was only seventeen, I lived behind my beauty queen, I turned my back on everything, And everyone. Rooms with lots of pretty faces, Still don't fill the empty spaces, Wanderin' where Amazing Grace is, There is none, no. Now I know, there's no comfort in this world. God I miss that hometown girl, Want to hold her. I'm on the road now, I know just what I need, To find my way back to Tennessee. I'm coming home now, To Southern, is so sweet, And find my way back to Tennessee All this time I was chasing after dreams, It was right in front of me, I was lost without her. I'm on the road now, I know just what I need, To find my way back to Tennessee. I'm coming home now, To Southern, is so sweet, And find my way back to you and me, Find my way back to Tennessee.
Дата: 17 января 2019, Просмотров: 931
Billy Ray Cyrus - Back To Tennessee
Видеоклип «Billy Ray Cyrus - Back To Tennessee»
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