There's no need to be thinking for yourself or at all. The overrated are locked inside of man, the Weak and small. The universe is stalled, but your standards still stand tall. The digression of the Civilized, preparing for the fall...THE FALL! Expanding the boundaries of only one side. Seeking the Real and exposing their pride. If no one's around to fear what they say...All power to slaves. We're Freed from the inferior shell, there was no way to tell. A sacred new beginning when their feeble Kingdom fell...THEY FELL! Expanding boundaries of only one side. Seeking the real and exposing their Pride. If no one's around to fear what they say...All power to slaves. We firmly establised the dull And behaved. Now no one's around to fear what they say...All power to slaves.
Дата: 15 мая 2020, Просмотров: 447
Cky - All Power To Slaves
Видеоклип «Cky - All Power To Slaves»
* Текст песни написан собственноручно и предназначен для ознакомления.
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